Un server di posta con postfix

Postfixadmin è una applicazione web scritta in php. Dopo aver configurato fedora come server LAMP non sarà difficile caricare postfixadmin per utilizzarlo…

Scusami, intanto dimmi se va bene la scelta web server dalle opzioni di installazione.

Non vedo che altro webserver tu possa usare per ottenere prestazioni migliori…

La nostra guida: http://doc.fedoraonline.it/LAMP

Parlo di questa scelta
O pensi che possa installare la versione “Minimal” come è raffigurato qui? :smiley:

Installa la versione web server, così non devi installare poi altri software…lo fai tutto in fase di installazione…

OK, fatto, avviata l’installazione Web Server.
Al termine procedo con l’installazione del server LAMP, compresa l’interfaccia web, phpmyadmin.
Alla fine di questo step, se sei d’accordo, riporto in un unico post tutti i comandi/codici dati dal terminale così chiunque mi può seguire meglio e su questo post man mano che si va avanti prenderà corpo una guida “passo passo” :stuck_out_tongue:
Cosa ne pensi?

Cosa ne pensi? :sorry:

ho seguito attentamente la http://doc.fedoraonline.it/LAMP per la configurazione del server LAMP che mi hai indicato ma non riesco a visualizzare la pagina test.php
Ho disabilitato anche selinux ma non va ugualmente. Eppure ho rivisto più volte i vari comandi ma non riesco a capire dove sbaglio :doc:

Oggi riaccendendo il PC e il costruendo server mail mi accorgo che le cose sono cambiate.
Invocando il comando:

# systemctl start httpd.service Job for httpd.service failed. See 'systemctl status httpd.servixe' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
Dove si trova journalctl -xn :gratt:

Che vuol dire dove si trova?

# journalctl -xn

(anche perché si trova nel pacchetto systemd-195-15.fc18.x86_64, e quindi dovresti averlo già installato di default… :))

Mi sembra di aver capito che per visualizzare l’errore dovrei aprire quel file di log?
Come posso risolvere?
Grazie per avermi risposto.
Saluti, Franco

Scusa, ma se, dopo essere diventato root, e ovviamente dopo aver dato

systemctl start httpd.service, digiti in un terminale:

journalctl -xn

non ti fornisce un output?

le righe che meritano attenzione sono:

sustemd[1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server. (scritta in rosso)

più in alto, tra le altre righe, ve né un’altra in grassetto:

systemtd[1] http.service: main process exited, code= (non riesco a leggere il resto della righa perché continua fuori dalla finestra del terminale.

Allarga il terminale sulla destra, e ripeti il comando.


# journalctl -xn >/cartella_dove_salvare/nome_del_file

e poi apri il file /cartella_dove_salvare/nome_del_file (sostituisci il percorso e il nome che desideri usare) con un editor di testo, tipo gedit.

Credo che la parte importante stia qui:

[quote]mag 30 07:22:48 servertest systemd[1]: Stopping Sendmail Mail Transport Agent…
– Subject: Unit sendmail.service has begun shutting down
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit sendmail.service has begun shutting down.
mag 30 07:22:48 servertest systemd[1]: Starting Sendmail Mail Transport Agent…
– Subject: Unit sendmail.service has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit sendmail.service has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:22:48 servertest vboxadd-service[849]: Starting VirtualBox Guest Addition service OK ]
mag 30 07:22:48 servertest systemd[1]: Started LSB: VirtualBox Additions service.
– Subject: Unit vboxadd-service.service has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit vboxadd-service.service has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:22:49 servertest sendmail[900]: starting daemon (8.14.7): SMTP+queueing@01:00:00
mag 30 07:22:49 servertest systemd[1]: PID file /run/sendmail.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
mag 30 07:22:49 servertest systemd[1]: Started Sendmail Mail Transport Agent.
– Subject: Unit sendmail.service has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit sendmail.service has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:22:49 servertest systemd[1]: Starting Sendmail Mail Transport Client…
– Subject: Unit sm-client.service has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit sm-client.service has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest sm-msp-queue[930]: starting daemon (8.14.7): queueing@01:00:00
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Failed to read PID from file /run/sm-client.pid: Invalid argument
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Started Sendmail Mail Transport Client.
– Subject: Unit sm-client.service has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit sm-client.service has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Starting Multi-User System.
– Subject: Unit multi-user.target has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit multi-user.target has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Reached target Multi-User System.
– Subject: Unit multi-user.target has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit multi-user.target has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes…
– Subject: Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Starting Stop Read-Ahead Data Collection 10s After Completed Startup.
– Subject: Unit systemd-readahead-done.timer has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit systemd-readahead-done.timer has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Started Stop Read-Ahead Data Collection 10s After Completed Startup.
– Subject: Unit systemd-readahead-done.timer has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit systemd-readahead-done.timer has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.
– Subject: Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:22:50 servertest systemd[1]: Startup finished in 1.981s (kernel) + 6.286s (initrd) + 29.398s (userspace) = 37.666s.
– Subject: System start-up is now complete
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– All system services necessary queued for starting at boot have been
– successfully started. Note that this does not mean that the machine is
– now idle as services might still be busy with completing start-up.

– Kernel start-up required 1981351 microseconds.

– Initial RAM disk start-up required 6286796 microseconds.

– Userspace start-up required 29398390 microseconds.
mag 30 07:23:00 servertest systemd[1]: Starting Stop Read-Ahead Data Collection…
– Subject: Unit systemd-readahead-done.service has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit systemd-readahead-done.service has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:23:00 servertest systemd[1]: Started Stop Read-Ahead Data Collection.
– Subject: Unit systemd-readahead-done.service has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit systemd-readahead-done.service has finished starting up.

– The start-up result is done.
mag 30 07:23:05 servertest NetworkManager[512]: (p2p1): IP6 addrconf timed out or failed.
mag 30 07:23:05 servertest NetworkManager[512]: Activation (p2p1) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) scheduled…
mag 30 07:23:05 servertest NetworkManager[512]: Activation (p2p1) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) started…
mag 30 07:23:05 servertest NetworkManager[512]: Activation (p2p1) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv6 Configure Timeout) complete.
mag 30 07:23:08 servertest dbus-daemon[412]: ** Message: No devices in use, exit
mag 30 07:24:03 servertest systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server…
– Subject: Unit httpd.service has begun with start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

– Unit httpd.service has begun starting up.
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest httpd[1050]: AH00557: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for servertest
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest httpd[1050]: AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest systemd[1]: httpd.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest httpd[1052]: AH00557: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for servertest
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest httpd[1052]: AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest httpd[1052]: httpd (no pid file) not running
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest systemd[1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server.
– Subject: Unit httpd.service has failed
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
– Documentation: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/catalog/be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d

– Unit httpd.service has failed.

– The result is failed.
mag 30 07:24:04 servertest systemd[1]: Unit httpd.service entered failed state.[/quote]

O manca qualche passaggio nella guida del server lamp o non riesco proprio a capire dov’è l’errore.

Sono passati diversi giorni e ancora non riesco a trovare la soluzione :wall:

La guida è corretta. Forse hai dato qualche impostazione stramba.
Il messaggio:

Prova a sistemare questa faccenda.


Prova a sistemare questa faccenda.[/quote]
Quello lo risolve aggiungendo la riga

 ServerName localhost:80

al file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, ma è solo un warning, e non impedisce ad apache di partire (ho provato).
Il problema dev’essere da qualche altra parte (anche se non saprei dire dove).

Puoi postare

 $ cat "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" | sed -e 's/#.*//' | sed 's/ \t]*$//' | sed '/^$/d'

N.B. Mi sembra che /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf non contenga dati sensibili, ma non sono sicuro al 100%. Prima di postare controlla, e se mi sbaglio sostituisci password personali e affini con asterischi o altro.

L’output ha un numero di righe maggiore della schermata e non riesco a leggere tutto.
Come posso salvare il risultato su un file?
Ricordo che prima con journalctl ho fatto:

# journalctl -xn >/cartella_dove_salvare/nome_del_file

Si, usa il comando “>”